
A Wonderful Interview with Pema Chodron

A recent Google news search brought up this interview with Pema Chodron. The link is from Beliefnet.com, but the article originally appeared in The Sun magazine. The interview is really wonderful. I won't even attempt to gloss it. Better just to read it. One paragraph sticks with me especially:
.... I realized what a source of happiness turning toward pain actually is. Our avoidance of pain keeps us locked in a cycle of suffering. The Buddha said that what we take to be solid isn't really solid. It's fluid. It's dynamic energy. And not only do we take our opponents and obstacles to be solid; we also believe ourselves to be solid or permanent. In the West, we add the belief that the self is bad. That night I spent meditating, I discovered that there is no solid, bad me. It's all just ineffable experience.
I'm adding Comfortable With Uncertainty to my reading list...

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