
Quotes, quotes, quotes...

Such wonderful quotes... both found on the same day:
  • God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.
    - Paul Valery
  • There is still a difference between something and nothing, but it is purely geometrical and there is nothing behind the geometry.
    - Martin Gardner

A Catholic Reflects on Buddhism...

A thoughtful piece by Sister Joan Chittister on interfaith relations, the view on Buddhism on the part of some of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and the witness of compassionate living. It ran on the National Catholic Reporter website. Perhaps no more than a week after 9/11 I heard her speak at a national convention for Call to Action. A stirring speaker, quite a gifted preacher. Maybe a little heavy handed in this piece, but the nexus between Catholicism and Buddhism is a very important one to me.


In a stunning lesson in emptyness, I went to my blog on Zen this afternoon, and... poof!... it was gone. This could be the price of using a free service, or it might just be a stronger lesson than that. Whichever, I am setting up in a new space, and wondering if I shouldn't maybe be on the mat instead...