
Thomas Merton, 1915 - 1968

Just now in trying to say something profound about the fact that 90 years ago today Thomas Merton was born I hit the wrong key and deleted all I had written.

So perfect! I'm so lucky: The artifice disappears -- in just one key-stroke! Now, we can begin.

Let's be grateful tonight for all the writing. My god, how could anyone have accomplished it! So few hours each week, and such an outpouring. I know for me and many, many practitioners Merton's writing planted important seeds of inquiry. He pointed toward the moon for so many of us. For a long time, I would pray directly to him, and, as my practice moved more and more into silence, he remained.

There's a controversy (a minor one) brewing, but that's for tomorrow. For now, there are only a few minutes left of his birthday. Happy Birthday, Father Louis.

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